Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Green in Seattle?

Below is a link to a group of articles in Pacific Northwest Magazine for the Seattle Times entitled "Going Green" about green construction in Seattle. I know a lot of architects in Seattle and every time I visit I am surprised how few of them have embraced sustainable issues in their work, and most of the primary design firms are giving only a cursory nod to the movement. I think these articles show that Seattle still has a long way to go regarding green building.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

My mom got a call from pollster the other day about implementing tolls in Washington State–a fantastic idea. London implemented tolls on traffic in the core of the city during peak hours and cut congestion by 30 percent, emissions by 12 percent and increased revenue by $350 million. For more information on London and a study that San Francisco is about to undertake regarding tolls go to the link below.